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Mikael Olrog's Preserved Axis Aircraft Throughout the World website is organized by type of aircraft, engine, or missile, noting at which museums or other facility these are located at.
The website address is: http://www.axisaircraft.com Regards, Richard [This message has been edited by Richard T Eger (edited 05 July 2025).] |
Peter Evans' Luftwaffe Experten Mailing List website has a Worldwide Captive Luftwaffe webpage listing, by aircraft type, Luftwaffe aircraft in museums or other facilities around the world. In this regard, the listing is very similar to that provided in Mikael Olrog's Preserved Axis Aircraft Throughout the World website. The URL for the Worldwide Captive Luftwaffe webpage is:
http://www.experten.fsnet.co.uk/restore.html Regards, Richard [This message has been edited by Richard T Eger (edited 27 November 2025).] |
The Hugo Junkers Homepage by Horst Zoeller presents information and photos of Remaining Junkers Aircraft Worldwide, including engines. There are numerous photos of Junkers aircraft and engines both in museums and at crash sites, some of them under water. The website URL is:
http://www.junkers.de.vu Regards, Richard |
From 12 O'clock High!:
Sergio Luis dos Santos A Flugwerk FW-190 is expected to come to Brasil Thu Nov 23 20:45:56 2025 It have been noticed that TAM's Museum have acquired one FW-190. It was also said they acquired a Me-190 G. They have assembled an impressive colection of planes, all in flying condition !! [This message has been edited by Richard T Eger (edited 24 December 2025).] |
From TOH!:
Douglas Jr. Onde fica este museu? Fri Nov 24 04:00:01 2025 Sérgio, Diga-me: onde fica este museu? Eu li sobre ele há algum tempo, mas não sabia que já estava operando. E, por fim, estão mesmo vindo para cá estes aviões? Altavista translation: "It says me: where it is this museum? I read on it I have some time, but not wise person who already was operating. E, finally, exactly is come to here these airplanes?" Um abraço, Douglas. |
From TOH!:
Sergio Luis dos Santos Museu Asas de um Sonho - Eductam Fri Nov 24 10:30:46 2025 Vá ao sítio www.aerobusiness.com.br Entre em Aero Links Acesse o banner da Associação Brasileira de Aeronaves Antigas e Classicas Na coluna da esquerda, acesse O Biplano O link para a Fundação Eductam está em construção Go to www.aerobusiness.com.br Get the Aero Links banner Get the banner from Associação Brasileira de Aeronaves Antigas e Classicas On the left, choose the link O Biplano ( a online news ) The link from TAM´s Museum, Fundação Eductam is under construction. They also got a Focke-Wulf Fw-44 from Argentina brought in flight. |
From TOH!:
Sergio Luis dos Santos Re: Re. Museu Asas de um Sonho - Eductam Sat Nov 25 15:24:12 2025 The "Museu Aseas de Um Sonho" is a privately held museum from TAM Brazilian Airline owner and his brother. The planes are stored in two cities in São Paulo (all in flyable condition). The building had his project presented early this year and will be a giant sized Santos Dumont's 14 Bis replica !!! See the "O Biplano" Janeiro 2025 on the links I posted. Among the large collection they have a F4U Corsair, P 51 Mustang, a Photo reccon Spirtifre, an original Argentinean build Focke-Wulf 44, a Polish RWD (forget the model but is the only one in the world). There are one or two more also unique planes. They also hope to get some jets like the Mig. It appears that in 2025 the Brasil will be proudly to have two incredible collection of planes, one in Museu Aeroespacial, Rio de Janeiro and other one in Museu Asas de Um Sonho in São Paulo. Also talking about rare planes, the "Jahú" a Savoia Marchett S-55 plane is being fully restored too. |
From 12 O'Clock High!:
Sergio Luis dos Santos Interesting items from a new Brazilian publisher Wed Aug 15 16:58:40 2025 Adler editora has updated it´s site. It still has no English translation but the prints and books - both available and to future release - are very interesting. They plan an "in Action" like book covering the Focke-Wulf Fw-58. (see it under "breve" link) http://www.adler-books.com.br/ |
From TOCH!:
dire "Weihe" Wed Aug 15 22:27:07 2025 Must be some great book... I wished I spoke some Portugese. I just lately read an article in a German aviation magazine on a "Weihe" found in Brazil. Guess it's gotta be the one that got restored. BTW, what's the charge of that "Weihe" book ? dire |
From TOCH!:
Sergio Luis dos Santos Book is still under preparation... Thu Aug 16 12:33:58 2025 And yes, it covers the one at Museu Aeroespacial. I have sent several images from this bird, since discovery till the presentation ceremony to Lynn Ritger. I hope he´ll post soon in Detail Site a page on the Weihe. Pricing? Don´t know yet. Taking as basis the book on FAB in WWII, Italy, which cost R$ 25,00. (around US$ 10.00)but can´t be sure. The page has no English text but the above book is bilingual and I was told by Sandro all books are expected to be bilingual. Another writer, Luciano Barbosa, has done interesting books too. (he authored Adler´s first title and wrote another and published by himself. See www.decalsebooks.hpg.com.br) I´m always happy when people I know wins a hard battle and put in reallity their dreams... [This message has been edited by Richard T Eger (edited 13 September 2025).] |
From 12 O'Clock High!:
Sergio Luis dos Santos TAM´s Museum has a new site. Thu Aug 23 17:13:58 2025 Still only in Portuguese language but better than the older one, available only through TAM´s page. http://www.museutam.com.br/ |
From 12 O'Clock High!:
Chris Stuart Flugwerk Fw-190 Sun Mar 3 07:17:55 2025 Hi Guys, I haven't visited this board for several months. What is the current status on the Flugwerk FW-190's? I checked out their website, but there is nothing about the 190's anymore. Does anyone have an update. Cheers |
From TOCH!:
Armand Flug Werk 190 Sun Mar 3 16:06:06 2025 Chris, Try their website again ( http://www.flugwerk.de ). When there go to Diary. That is the most current "official" information available. There is also some great detail photos of the current progress. Remember that the first prototype is now on display near Hannover, with a real BMW 801 engine installed and that there is another Fw190 from Flug Werk in the USA. If I remember correctly most of the current production run has been sold to customers so the guys at Flug Werk are very busy and that means little time available to update web pages. Armand [This message has been edited by Richard T Eger (edited 27 March 2025).] |
From TOCH!:
Sergio Luis dos Santos One is coming to Brasil. TAM´s Museum. n/t Mon Mar 4 11:55:20 2025 |
The AXLs Plane Gallery website, by Alex Postma, contains a very large collection of Axis aircraft photos, some vintage and some of preserved aircraft. The site address is:
http://www.studenten.net/customasp/axl/index.asp The section of interest is: WWII Axis - photos Bf 108 - 12 color, 4 b&w - Includes A/C at Kalamazoo Air Zoo, Kalamazoo, MI, U.S.A.; Musee Royal de l'Armee, Brussels, Belgium; Ex N108H, OO-NET, New Zealand; Germany; Deutsche Lufthansa Berlin Stiftung, Germany; Imperial War Museum, London, England Bf 109 - 26 color, 8 b&w - Includes A/C at RAFM Hendon, England; German Air Force Museum, Germany; Finnish AF Museum, Tikkakoski, Finland; USAFM, Dayton, OH, U.S.A.; IWM, Duxford, England; NASM, Washington D.C., U.S.A.; Planes of Fame, California, U.S.A.; Fundacja Polskie Orly, wnr 163306, Poland; Bf 109G-10 W.Nr. 151591, EADS, Messerschmitt Foundation, Germany Bf 110 - 8 color, 11 b&w Me 163 - 10 color, 15 b&w - Includes A/C at RAFM Cosford, England; Luftwaffe Museum, Gatow, Germany; IWM, Duxford, England. Me 262 - 12 color, 22 b&w - Includes A/C at Deutches Museum, Munich, Germany; NASM, Washington D.C.; U.S.A.; Vojenske Muzeum, Kbely AB, Czech Republic; South African National Museum of Military History; South Africa. Me 323 - 6 color, 14 b&w Me 410 - 7 color, 6 b&w - Includes A/C at RAFM Cosford, England Messerschmitt P.1101 - 7 b&w Ta 152 - 8 b&w Ta 154 - 6 b&w Fw 187 - 1 color, 8 b&w Fw 189 - 3 color, 27 b&w Fw 190 - 12 color, 29 b&w - Includes A/C at USAFM, Dayton, OH, U.S.A.; RAFM Hendon, England Fw 200 - 3 color, 19 b&w Ju 52 - 2 color, 8 b&w Ju 87 - 8 color, 29 b&w - Includes A/C at RAFM Hendon, England Ju 88 - 4 color, 8 b&w -Includes A/C at RAFM Hendon, England Ju 287 - 9 b&w Ju 290 - 9 b&w Ju 388 - 2 color, 11 b&w Ju 390 - 4 b&w Do 17 - 2 color, 11 b&w Do 18 - 1 color, 8 b&w Do 24 - 2 color, 11 b&w - Includes A/C at Militaire Luchvaart Museum, Kamp Van Zeist, Netherlands Do 26 - 2 color, 7 b&w Do 215 - 7 b&w Do 217 - 1 color, 17 b&w Do 335 - 3 color, 13 b&w - Includes A/C at NASM Garber, Silver Hill, MD, U.S.A. Do J Wal - 1 color, 8 b&w - Includes A/C at Technical Museum, Lujan, Argentina He 59 - 1 color, 11 b&w He 100 - 1 color, 4 b&w He 111 - 8 color, 30 b&w - Includes A/C at RAFM Hendon, England; Confederate Air Force, Midland TX, U.S.A. (crashed and destroyedon 10 July 2025); Norwegian Aviation Museum, Norway He 111Z - 9 b&w He 112 - 1 color, 11 b&w He 114 - 6 b&w He 115 - 4 color, 9 b&w He 177 - 2 color, 11 b&w (possibly 1 of these is in color) He 162 - 4 color, 11 b&w - Includes A/C at Planes of Fame California, U.S.A.; IWM, London, England; Le Bourget Paris, France; RAFM Hendon, England He 219 - 2 color, 6 b&w He 280 - 8 b&w Hs 123 - 1 color, 10 b&w Hs 129 - 1 color, 8 b&w Bv 138 - 2 color, 16 b&w Bv 141 - 11 b&w Bv 222 - 17 b&w Bv 238 - 6 b&w Fi 103 - 1 color - Missile at Historisch-Technisches Informationszentrum, Peenemünde, Germany (replica containing original parts) Fi 104R - 6 b&w Fi 156 - 27 color, 11 b&w - Includes A/C at CAF Texas, U.S.A.; USAFM, Dayton, OH, U.S.A.; Swiss Air Force Museum, Switzerland; Luftwaffe Museum, Gatow, Berlin, Germany; Fi 156 W.Nr. 475309, Kermit Weeks, Florida, U.S.A.; Flygvapenmuseum, Linköping, Sweden. Ar 196 - 5 color, 11 b&w - Includes A/C at NASM Garber, Silver Hill, MD, U.S.A. Ar 232 - 9 b&w Ar 234 - 4 color, 11 b&w - Includes one A/C variously at NASM, Garber, Silver Hill, MD, U.S.A.; NASM, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.; NASM, Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center, Washington Dulles International Airport, Chantilly, VA, U.S.A. (current A/C location). Ar 240 - 8 b&w Ba 349 - 5 color, 12 b&w - Includes A/C at NASM, Garber, Silver Hill, MD, U.S.A. Caproni Campini CC.1 - 7 color, 4 b&w - Includes A/C at the Italian Air Force Museum, Vigna di Valle, Rome, Italy HA-1112-M1L (Spanish-built Bf 109) - 15 color - Includes A/C at Planes of Fame, Chino, CA, U.S.A.; Fighter Factory, Suffolk, VA, U.S.A.; National Aviation Air Museum, ONT, Canada, on loan to Western Canada Aviation Museum, Canada; OFMC, Duxford, England, crashed on 25 Sept. 1999 in Spain; Kalamazoo Aviation History Museum, Kalamazoo, MI, U.S.A. Mitsubishi J8M1 Shusui - 5 color, 4 b&w - Includes A/C at Planes of Fame, Chino, CA, U.S.A.; Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, Nagoya, Japan Nakajima Kikka - 9 b&w Yokosuka MXY-7 Ohka - Baka - 6 color, 12 b&w - Includes A/C at RAFM Cosford, England My thanks go to Mikael Olrog who helped with identifying the locations of the preserved Axis aircraft. Regards, Richard |
From within a thread on 12 O'Clock High!:
J.L.Santos Junior Brazilians Fw200 Wed Jul 7, 2025 04:19 Hi Johann. As a matter of fact, Brazilian Navy had signed an agreement with Fock Wulf in late 30's to build four models in a new and modern facility that was known as Fábrica do Galeão (Galeão Navy Works": Fw44 = 40 examples built, plus a plane used as reference model. Fw56 = None built. Brazilian Navy was pressed by the time. War had begun in Europe and Brazil rushed to establish a full operational aircraft industry. So this step was jumped. One plane left in Rio de Janeiro as reference plane. This plane was scraped and it's remains bought by a German pilot and sent to germany. Fw58 = 25 examples built in two batchs (10+15) plus a plane left in Rio de Janeiro as reference plane. Later Brazilian Air Force used 2 ex-Syndicato Condor planes. One model (Fw58KL-2) is now in exhibition in BAF Museum. Fw200 = I believe that this particular plane played a fundamental role in Brazil X EUA X Germany diplomacy game in the WW II early years', even if it wasn't built. In a possible scenario with Brazil aligned with Germany and Italy (Two larger immigrant colonies in South America and the most prosperous and industrialized Brazilian part), the amazing range of Fw200 could put at risk all Allies naval operations in South Atlantic if they could be flown from Northern coast and Fernando de Noronha Is. (One of "four World corners" as said by Winston Churchill). Indeed, Syndicato Condor Fw200 were ordered to fly 100 nm distant from shore line in order to prevent to search for Allies convoys. Fw200's crews were all German. Late a BAF official was to be on board of every Fw200 flight. In my opinion, the possibility of Brazil build the Fw200 was one of the facts that pressed the Allies to force Brazil to "choice a side to play". Sadly, there's no specialized book about Fw200 here in Brazil, but we have some good magazine articles. This site has a excellent photo of PP-CBJ and data about Syndicato Condor Fw200. www.germanvtol.com/fw200folder/danishfw200.html The fate of Brazilian Condors: PP-CBI Abaitará WNr:2996 = Scraped after a ground collision with a DC3 in Santos Dumont Airport. PP-CBJ Arumani WNr:2995 = Sold to scrapyard in 1947. Recently a got a rare photo of arrival of CBI in Santos Dumont airport after its Atlantic crossing from a retired VARIG Air Lines' captain who his father had flown Fw200. I'll contact him and and ask for some more information. Sorry for talking so much and all the best J.L.Santos Junior Rio de Janeiro - Brazil |
From within a thread on 12 O'Clock High!:
Sergio Luis dos Santos It´s a Fw-58 Thu Sep 9, 2025 21:32 The second batch of Fw-58 built in Brasil by Brazilian Navy had that same single strut undercarriage. I guess it was a change for a more strong model than the previous one. The engines looks there I just think the angle from the photo do not allows to see them. This machine may be a passanger version that has a slight different upper fuselage and side windows. It must have also the passanger door on left side, like all military ones built in Brasil. You can compare the struts with the photo of the Brazilian preserved Fw-58 on Preserved Axis Aircrafts site. Como vai o garotão? Abraços |
From TOCH!:
Venancio Indeed Fri Sep 10, 2025 13:16 Hi Sergio, It took me some time, but i found a pic of a A-0 model with that landing gear display, but that was not the usual one. O garotão vai bem, 15kg já nem aguento com ele ao colo ! E por aí a familia tudo bem ? Tá a chegar o verão né ? Um Abrço, VL |
From TOCH!:
Sergio Luis dos Santos Just wait the future Fw 58 book by Adler. Fri Sep 10, 2025 14:21 It will have a complete walkaround from Museu Aeroespacial´s bird. Lots of great color detail shots. Also some technical drawings ( from a book in my collection) and in progress restoration stages. Expected to be released at this year´s end or beginning 2025. I´ll notice here. You got mail. Hugs! |
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