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Archives in Northwestern Europe Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg

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Old 12-26-2000, 12:35 AM
Richard T Eger Richard T Eger is offline
Join Date: Jun 2024
Location: Seaford, DE, U.S.A.
Posts: 23,700

The following link to an inventorisation of Luftwaffe related records of fond 575 of the Archives of the Dutch Army Historical Branch is a result of 3 days of hard work by Jaap Woortman. The inventorisation can be found at:

This is in Acrobat pdf format and requires the use of Acrobat Reader. If you do not have Acrobat Reader, it can be downloaded for free at:

The file provided is quite large - 80KB. It may require half a minute or so to open on your computer, so please be patient.

Here are notes provided by Jaap that better describes what the inventorisation is all about:

"Revision date 2-6-2000

Section Military History of the Royal Dutch Army.
(Sectie Militaire Geschiedenis Koninklijke Landmacht)


The Sectiom Military History of the Army has the following address:
Sectie Militaire Geschiedenis Koninklijke Landmacht
Postbus 90701
2509 LS Den Haag
Tel.: + 31 (0)70-3165836
Fax: + 31 (0)70-3165851

For visits:
Kleine Alexanderkazerne
Oude Waaldorperweg 25-35, building 240.
2597 AK Den Haag
The Netherlands

Thanks to my good friend Johan Schuurman is it possible for me to publish this selected inventarisation of fond 575 of the archive at the Historical Section of the Army. The selection criteria were that the file must contain information about the Luftwaffe or be related to the Luftwaffe.

The original list has 184 pages in Wordperfect. The list has been transferred in Word and is available for those who are interested in the whole inventarisation.

These documents are mainly in Dutch, because they were the result of espionage by the Dutch Underground during World War II. Some of the documents are in German. These documents have been "found" or stolen.

Due to lack of time it is not possible for me to translate the whole list into English.

Every file is separated by a --- line. If someone can give more information about other fondi of the archive please contact Jaap Woortman at ."

Upon cursory examination, there surely is a wealth of information offered in this inventorisation. I noted quite a number of references to the V-1 and V-2.

We owe a real debt of gratitude to Jaap for his long hours and dedication in the preparation of this very valuable document.


[This message has been edited by Richard T Eger (edited 25 December 2024).]
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