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Old 05-17-2004, 04:43 PM
Richard T Eger Richard T Eger is offline
Join Date: Jun 2025
Location: Seaford, DE, U.S.A.
Posts: 23,700
Default National Air Museum, Canada - 2

The AXLs Plane Gallery website, by Alex Postma, contains a very large collection of Axis aircraft photos, some vintage and some of preserved aircraft. The site address is:

The section of interest is:

WWII Axis - photos

Bf 108 - 12 color, 4 b&w

- Includes A/C at Kalamazoo Air Zoo, Kalamazoo, MI, U.S.A.; Musee Royal de l'Armee, Brussels, Belgium; Ex N108H, OO-NET, New Zealand; Germany; Deutsche Lufthansa Berlin Stiftung, Germany; Imperial War Museum, London, England

Bf 109 - 26 color, 8 b&w

- Includes A/C at RAFM Hendon, England; German Air Force Museum, Germany; Finnish AF Museum, Tikkakoski, Finland; USAFM, Dayton, OH, U.S.A.; IWM, Duxford, England; NASM, Washington D.C., U.S.A.; Planes of Fame, California, U.S.A.; Fundacja Polskie Orly, wnr 163306, Poland; Bf 109G-10 W.Nr. 151591, EADS, Messerschmitt Foundation, Germany

Bf 110 - 8 color, 11 b&w

Me 163 - 10 color, 15 b&w

- Includes A/C at RAFM Cosford, England; Luftwaffe Museum, Gatow, Germany; IWM, Duxford, England.

Me 262 - 12 color, 22 b&w

- Includes A/C at Deutches Museum, Munich, Germany; NASM, Washington D.C.; U.S.A.; Vojenske Muzeum, Kbely AB, Czech Republic; South African National Museum of Military History; South Africa.

Me 323 - 6 color, 14 b&w

Me 410 - 7 color, 6 b&w

- Includes A/C at RAFM Cosford, England

Messerschmitt P.1101 - 7 b&w

Ta 152 - 8 b&w

Ta 154 - 6 b&w

Fw 187 - 1 color, 8 b&w

Fw 189 - 3 color, 27 b&w

Fw 190 - 12 color, 29 b&w

- Includes A/C at USAFM, Dayton, OH, U.S.A.; RAFM Hendon, England

Fw 200 - 3 color, 19 b&w

Ju 52 - 2 color, 8 b&w

Ju 87 - 8 color, 29 b&w

- Includes A/C at RAFM Hendon, England

Ju 88 - 4 color, 8 b&w

-Includes A/C at RAFM Hendon, England

Ju 287 - 9 b&w

Ju 290 - 9 b&w

Ju 388 - 2 color, 11 b&w

Ju 390 - 4 b&w

Do 17 - 2 color, 11 b&w

Do 18 - 1 color, 8 b&w

Do 24 - 2 color, 11 b&w

- Includes A/C at Militaire Luchvaart Museum, Kamp Van Zeist, Netherlands

Do 26 - 2 color, 7 b&w

Do 215 - 7 b&w

Do 217 - 1 color, 17 b&w

Do 335 - 3 color, 13 b&w

- Includes A/C at NASM Garber, Silver Hill, MD, U.S.A.

Do J Wal - 1 color, 8 b&w

- Includes A/C at Technical Museum, Lujan, Argentina

He 59 - 1 color, 11 b&w

He 100 - 1 color, 4 b&w

He 111 - 8 color, 30 b&w

- Includes A/C at RAFM Hendon, England; Confederate Air Force, Midland TX, U.S.A. (crashed and destroyedon 10 July 2025); Norwegian Aviation Museum, Norway

He 111Z - 9 b&w

He 112 - 1 color, 11 b&w

He 114 - 6 b&w

He 115 - 4 color, 9 b&w

He 177 - 2 color, 11 b&w (possibly 1 of these is in color)

He 162 - 4 color, 11 b&w

- Includes A/C at Planes of Fame California, U.S.A.; IWM, London, England; Le Bourget Paris, France; RAFM Hendon, England

He 219 - 2 color, 6 b&w

He 280 - 8 b&w

Hs 123 - 1 color, 10 b&w

Hs 129 - 1 color, 8 b&w

Bv 138 - 2 color, 16 b&w

Bv 141 - 11 b&w

Bv 222 - 17 b&w

Bv 238 - 6 b&w

Fi 103 - 1 color

- Missile at Historisch-Technisches Informationszentrum, Peenemünde, Germany (replica containing original parts)

Fi 104R - 6 b&w

Fi 156 - 27 color, 11 b&w

- Includes A/C at CAF Texas, U.S.A.; USAFM, Dayton, OH, U.S.A.; Swiss Air Force Museum, Switzerland; Luftwaffe Museum, Gatow, Berlin, Germany; Fi 156 W.Nr. 475309, Kermit Weeks, Florida, U.S.A.; Flygvapenmuseum, Linköping, Sweden.

Ar 196 - 5 color, 11 b&w

- Includes A/C at NASM Garber, Silver Hill, MD, U.S.A.

Ar 232 - 9 b&w

Ar 234 - 4 color, 11 b&w

- Includes one A/C variously at NASM, Garber, Silver Hill, MD, U.S.A.; NASM, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.; NASM, Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center, Washington Dulles International Airport, Chantilly, VA, U.S.A. (current A/C location).

Ar 240 - 8 b&w

Ba 349 - 5 color, 12 b&w

- Includes A/C at NASM, Garber, Silver Hill, MD, U.S.A.

Caproni Campini CC.1 - 7 color, 4 b&w

- Includes A/C at the Italian Air Force Museum, Vigna di Valle, Rome, Italy

HA-1112-M1L (Spanish-built Bf 109) - 15 color

- Includes A/C at Planes of Fame, Chino, CA, U.S.A.; Fighter Factory, Suffolk, VA, U.S.A.; National Aviation Air Museum, ONT, Canada, on loan to Western Canada Aviation Museum, Canada; OFMC, Duxford, England, crashed on 25 Sept. 1999 in Spain; Kalamazoo Aviation History Museum, Kalamazoo, MI, U.S.A.

Mitsubishi J8M1 Shusui - 5 color, 4 b&w

- Includes A/C at Planes of Fame, Chino, CA, U.S.A.; Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, Nagoya, Japan

Nakajima Kikka - 9 b&w

Yokosuka MXY-7 Ohka - Baka - 6 color, 12 b&w

- Includes A/C at RAFM Cosford, England

My thanks go to Mikael Olrog who helped with identifying the locations of the preserved Axis aircraft.

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