Museum with Luftwaffe aircraft - 3
The French language website Les As français de 1939-1945, by Stéphane Pichardon, on French aces can be found at:
http://perso.wanadoo.fr/frenchaces/ Seen from the French side, there are references to combats with the Luftwaffe. Sections of direct Luftwaffe interest are: Les avions de combat (Fighters) Allemagne (Germany) - Capsule histories, technical data, and photos and/or drawings, and color profiles for the following aircraft and their varaints: Do 17/Do C 17 Do 24/Do C 24 Do C 215 Do 217/Do C 217 Fi 156 Fw 189 Fw 190 He 111 Hs 126 Hs 129 Ju 52 Ju 86 Ju 87 Ju 88 Ju 252 Bf 109 Bf 110 Me 323 Goodies Photos - Under the heading Avions à hélice (Propeller planes), select Allemagne (Germany): Fi 156 - 1 color photo from Falaise 1994 and 1 color photo from Falaise 1999 Bf 109 - 3 color photos from Cerny 2025 Divers (Others) Glossaire (Glossary) - Equivalence tables for R.A.F., Armée de l'Air, and Luftwaffe for: Ranks Units - including composition Abbreviations Addresses - Addresses for the following organizations are given: Service Historique de l'Armée de l'Air (Historical Service Air Force) Amicale des Forces Aeriennes Francaises Libres (Friends of Free French Air Forces) La maison du livre aviation (The house of the book aviation) La machine volante (The flying machine) A & C Bureau d'archives et de réserves de l'Armée de l'Air - BARAA (Office of files and reserves Air Force) Bureau central d'archives administratives militaires - BCAAM (Central office of files administrative soldiers) (Blame Google's translator if some of these translations come out a bit odd.) Bibliothèque (Library) - List of about 50 books. Profils d'avions (Profiles of planes) - For a small contribution, access is granted to a number of large scale profiles of the following Luftwaffe aircraft: Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-4 Hanning 2./JG 2 May 1943 Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-4 Galland 8./JG 26 October 1942 Junkers Ju 87R Close-cropped 4./StG 2 April 1941 Vinçotte GC 2/4 4th esc. May 1940 Messerschmitt Bf 109D 3./JGr 102 November 1939 Messerschmitt Bf 109D 3./JGr 152 September 1939 Messerschmitt Bf 109E-3 3./JG 26 June 1940 Messerschmitt Bf 109E-3 3./JG 51 May 1940 Messerschmitt Bf 109E-3 5./JG 53 September 1939 Messerschmitt Bf 109E-3 9./JG 2 May 1940 Messerschmitt Bf 109E-7 I./JG 27 April 1941 Messerschmitt Bf 109F-2 9./JG 2 June 1941 Mises à jour (Updates) Regards, Richard |
From 12 O'Clock High!:
fredohara fredo.ohara@wanadoo.fr please Help! a JU 88 in Normandy Wed Feb 25 22:27:32 2025 A friend found the remainders of a JU 88 near Carentan, in Normandy. It seems that witnesses have seen this plane crushed on June 17, 1944. The two pilots would have died after having jumped in parachute. With the German cemetery of La Cambe, these two pilots could be Anton MULLER and Karl THIEBERT. Someone knows these pilots? What was there units ? If that can help for the exactly type of JU88 , the number of the two engines is the JFR 1021304170 Sorry for my English Thanks Fred |
From 12 O'Clock High!:
heinz macjcmace@aol.com infos concerning FW 190 A3 Wnr 294 Sun Apr 25, 2025 19:37 Hello , I ‘ve made some searches concerning a crash site near Vannes-Meucon . I have found some small items and that tag . I think this plane belonged to III/JG2 . It’s seems to be the FW 190 A3 Wnr 294 . I search infos concerning this lost and the pilot . I have joined a photo of the Wnr Tag . look this link : http://pageperso.aol.fr/Macjcmace/Img0161.JPG Thanks . Jean-Charles Macé (For the full thread discussing this aircraft's possible identity, the reader is referred to the topic "Identification plates" on the Aircraft Designation Systems" forum. Regards, Richard) |
From 12 O'Clock High!:
heinz macjcmace@aol.com another Wnr plate Tue Apr 27, 2025 10:15 hello . i have an another Wnr plate . this one has been found on a Me 109 crash site (we found some part of the engine and the reductor ) , near vannes meucon airfield . some one tell me it can be the Wnr ID plate . can someone confirm me this ? you can see this plate here : http://pageperso.aol.fr/Macjcmace/Img0198.JPG cheers . Jean-Charles Macé . |
From TOCH!:
David Ransome Make / model no?........... Thu Apr 29, 2025 09:13 I wonder if the 91 might indicate the make or model of aircraft and the other digits a part number or possibly last part of a WNr? Regards, David |
The AXLs Plane Gallery website, by Alex Postma, contains a very large collection of Axis aircraft photos, some vintage and some of preserved aircraft. The site address is:
http://www.studenten.net/customasp/axl/index.asp The section of interest is: WWII Axis - photos Bf 108 - 12 color, 4 b&w - Includes A/C at Kalamazoo Air Zoo, Kalamazoo, MI, U.S.A.; Musee Royal de l'Armee, Brussels, Belgium; Ex N108H, OO-NET, New Zealand; Germany; Deutsche Lufthansa Berlin Stiftung, Germany; Imperial War Museum, London, England Bf 109 - 26 color, 8 b&w - Includes A/C at RAFM Hendon, England; German Air Force Museum, Germany; Finnish AF Museum, Tikkakoski, Finland; USAFM, Dayton, OH, U.S.A.; IWM, Duxford, England; NASM, Washington D.C., U.S.A.; Planes of Fame, California, U.S.A.; Fundacja Polskie Orly, wnr 163306, Poland; Bf 109G-10 W.Nr. 151591, EADS, Messerschmitt Foundation, Germany Bf 110 - 8 color, 11 b&w Me 163 - 10 color, 15 b&w - Includes A/C at RAFM Cosford, England; Luftwaffe Museum, Gatow, Germany; IWM, Duxford, England. Me 262 - 12 color, 22 b&w - Includes A/C at Deutches Museum, Munich, Germany; NASM, Washington D.C.; U.S.A.; Vojenske Muzeum, Kbely AB, Czech Republic; South African National Museum of Military History; South Africa. Me 323 - 6 color, 14 b&w Me 410 - 7 color, 6 b&w - Includes A/C at RAFM Cosford, England Messerschmitt P.1101 - 7 b&w Ta 152 - 8 b&w Ta 154 - 6 b&w Fw 187 - 1 color, 8 b&w Fw 189 - 3 color, 27 b&w Fw 190 - 12 color, 29 b&w - Includes A/C at USAFM, Dayton, OH, U.S.A.; RAFM Hendon, England Fw 200 - 3 color, 19 b&w Ju 52 - 2 color, 8 b&w Ju 87 - 8 color, 29 b&w - Includes A/C at RAFM Hendon, England Ju 88 - 4 color, 8 b&w -Includes A/C at RAFM Hendon, England Ju 287 - 9 b&w Ju 290 - 9 b&w Ju 388 - 2 color, 11 b&w Ju 390 - 4 b&w Do 17 - 2 color, 11 b&w Do 18 - 1 color, 8 b&w Do 24 - 2 color, 11 b&w - Includes A/C at Militaire Luchvaart Museum, Kamp Van Zeist, Netherlands Do 26 - 2 color, 7 b&w Do 215 - 7 b&w Do 217 - 1 color, 17 b&w Do 335 - 3 color, 13 b&w - Includes A/C at NASM Garber, Silver Hill, MD, U.S.A. Do J Wal - 1 color, 8 b&w - Includes A/C at Technical Museum, Lujan, Argentina He 59 - 1 color, 11 b&w He 100 - 1 color, 4 b&w He 111 - 8 color, 30 b&w - Includes A/C at RAFM Hendon, England; Confederate Air Force, Midland TX, U.S.A. (crashed and destroyedon 10 July 2025); Norwegian Aviation Museum, Norway He 111Z - 9 b&w He 112 - 1 color, 11 b&w He 114 - 6 b&w He 115 - 4 color, 9 b&w He 177 - 2 color, 11 b&w (possibly 1 of these is in color) He 162 - 4 color, 11 b&w - Includes A/C at Planes of Fame California, U.S.A.; IWM, London, England; Le Bourget Paris, France; RAFM Hendon, England He 219 - 2 color, 6 b&w He 280 - 8 b&w Hs 123 - 1 color, 10 b&w Hs 129 - 1 color, 8 b&w Bv 138 - 2 color, 16 b&w Bv 141 - 11 b&w Bv 222 - 17 b&w Bv 238 - 6 b&w Fi 103 - 1 color - Missile at Historisch-Technisches Informationszentrum, Peenemünde, Germany (replica containing original parts) Fi 104R - 6 b&w Fi 156 - 27 color, 11 b&w - Includes A/C at CAF Texas, U.S.A.; USAFM, Dayton, OH, U.S.A.; Swiss Air Force Museum, Switzerland; Luftwaffe Museum, Gatow, Berlin, Germany; Fi 156 W.Nr. 475309, Kermit Weeks, Florida, U.S.A.; Flygvapenmuseum, Linköping, Sweden. Ar 196 - 5 color, 11 b&w - Includes A/C at NASM Garber, Silver Hill, MD, U.S.A. Ar 232 - 9 b&w Ar 234 - 4 color, 11 b&w - Includes one A/C variously at NASM, Garber, Silver Hill, MD, U.S.A.; NASM, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.; NASM, Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center, Washington Dulles International Airport, Chantilly, VA, U.S.A. (current A/C location). Ar 240 - 8 b&w Ba 349 - 5 color, 12 b&w - Includes A/C at NASM, Garber, Silver Hill, MD, U.S.A. Caproni Campini CC.1 - 7 color, 4 b&w - Includes A/C at the Italian Air Force Museum, Vigna di Valle, Rome, Italy HA-1112-M1L (Spanish-built Bf 109) - 15 color - Includes A/C at Planes of Fame, Chino, CA, U.S.A.; Fighter Factory, Suffolk, VA, U.S.A.; National Aviation Air Museum, ONT, Canada, on loan to Western Canada Aviation Museum, Canada; OFMC, Duxford, England, crashed on 25 Sept. 1999 in Spain; Kalamazoo Aviation History Museum, Kalamazoo, MI, U.S.A. Mitsubishi J8M1 Shusui - 5 color, 4 b&w - Includes A/C at Planes of Fame, Chino, CA, U.S.A.; Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, Nagoya, Japan Nakajima Kikka - 9 b&w Yokosuka MXY-7 Ohka - Baka - 6 color, 12 b&w - Includes A/C at RAFM Cosford, England My thanks go to Mikael Olrog who helped with identifying the locations of the preserved Axis aircraft. Regards, Richard |
From 12 O'Clock High!:
andy saunders aerojumblesuk@andysaunders.freeserve.co.uk Uff Schlager JG 26 Fri Jul 30, 2025 08:33 It may be of interest that I recently recovered Uffz Schlager's 109 F (W Nr 8350) in Northern France. Schlager was involved in the combat when Bader was lost on 9 August 1941. The full story appears in the next edition of "After the Battle" out early August in which there are some interesting photos relating to JG 26 and Galland's "bunker" at Audembert, La Colombier. The story is also in either this or next weekend's "Mail on Sunday". May be of interest to some who watch this board! Andy Saunders. |
From 12 O'Clock High!:
Fredo Hara Help to traduce a piece of Fw 190 Wed Aug 11, 2025 23:49 Hello, a friend of me have found a Fw 190 in the south of Lisieux in Normandy, but impossible to find a number, the day of the crash... all we have it's maybe a number on the plane which could be a "10 red" or "8 red"...? The Fw 190 is a Fw190 A8 and must be crash during the summer 1944. We have a piece of the cockpit, maybe a radio, and we can read : "Achtung ! Gefchaltet für Geratesat FU?Z VK 16 Za" If someone can help me.... Thanks |
From TOCH!:
heinz Re: Help to traduce a piece of Fw 190 Thu Aug 12, 2025 11:59 if the number of the plane is 10 red or 8 red, it can be a plane from the 2/JG54 . the 2 staffel used the red more than the black color .the 27 july the "8 red "of 2/JG54 was shoot down in the S/E of Caen . flying by Uffz egon zemke (wounded). but others gruppe of 190(4/JG 1, 2/SKG 10 , St./JG 3) used the red color . it's very hard and quite impossible to find the identity of this plane only with your pieces . the piece that you have is probably a part of the radio Fug 16Z |
From TOCH!:
Frdeo Hara Thanks Heinz, but... Sat Aug 14, 2025 15:36 Thanks Heinz, but i have forget to precise something : the pilot was still in his plane (so missed i think in german report). My friend have found few things like shoes, a gun, and a EK I Maybe there is a list of the pilot who have the EK I ? Fred |
From 12 O'Clock High!:
Marcus Wendel marcus@skalman.nu Museums Sat Aug 28, 2025 10:40 I'm compiling information on museums with Axis WW2 equipment on my site, the Axis History Factbook at http://www.axishistory.com , and I'd appreciate any help with additions (text or photos) or corrections to the material. The museums section can be found at http://www.axishistory.com/?id=56 Thanks. /Marcus marcus@skalman.nu |
From 12 O'Clock High!:
jerry brewer is this french thread about a 190 found in a lake ? Fri Dec 10, 2025 21:14 Hi only knowing basics of french, anyone know if this thread is about a 190 found in a lake after 60yrs ? Cheers Jerry http://www.aerostories.org/~aeroforu...p?nummsg=12448 |
From TOCH!:
Sentry Re: is this french thread about a 190 found in a lake ? Fri Dec 10, 2025 23:33 yes i'm french quick translation: ""A Fw190 is in the lac of Grand-Lieu near the city of Nantes. An association should have take it out of the water but the representative of the french government in this land refuse to authorize this action,although the support of germans. The pilot is still in the plane,and in France it is considered as a burial...and the burials can't be moved. But you know in France all administrative stuff takes years and years to be concluded,so we hate to wait for the final decision "" regards Sentry |
From further within the thread on TOCH!:
Pierre BABIN FW 190 in a lake Sun Dec 12, 2025 18:56 Hello, I do know this sad story of the aircraft crashed in the "lac de Grand Lieu" very close to Nantes, with - may be - the body of the pilot inside. The "Préfet" (a sort of governor of the area : "Région" or "Département") doesn't want this aircraft and its pilot were dug out of the mud (the lake is, in fact, a very large marsh), in spite of all the demands, and though the french ministry of defense is OK ! position of the Préfet (newspaper "La Nouvelle République" dated 15 October 2025) : "We can wonder what is the interest of such a thing in a world which must solve other problems ..." Concerning the pilot buried in the mud of the "Lac de Grandlieu": he would be (it's the main hypothesis) Lt. Rudolf WELPRECHT, from 10./JG 2, based Vannes-Meucon, shot down 4th July 1943. It's a very sad story : for 2 or 3 years the family (the brother) of Lt. WELPRECHT is waiting for a happy solution ... but it's long coming and I'm very pessimist ! Apologies for my poor english Best regards Pierre PS: Jerry, I'll contact you nextly concerning an other subject (Harrowbeer) ... if you want ! |
From TOCH!:
jerry brewer story Sun Dec 12, 2025 20:49 Hi Pierre, Thankyou for the story, It is indeed even more sad now I know all the details. Perhaps the more publicity this gets it might help the brother of the pilot. Maybe one of the aircraft magazines or a newspaper should take up the story. If you wish to contact me about harrowbeer please do , my mail is :- jezbrew@yahoo.com Cheers Jerry |
From TOCH!:
Dave Re: story Mon Dec 13, 2025 05:12 Jerry I will be putting a news report about it in Classic Wings magazine, but that won't be out until Feb.05 and doesn't have a big readership in Europe, being that it is in English. I will be forwarding it to a friend in Germany who has connections with the Flugzeug Classic mag as well. regards Dave www.classicwings.com |
From TOCH!:
jerry brewer Re : story Mon Dec 13, 2025 17:53 Hi, Hope something comes of it and a change of mind is made, With enough talking and widespread knowledge of the events, it might just change. Good job you have contacts. Cheers Jerry |
From TOCH!:
Hawk-Eye Diplomatic pressure from Germany (now a friend) could... Sun Dec 12, 2025 22:50 ...prove very effective. German people are very eager to get the remains of their fallen soldiers. The "Kriegsgräberfürsorge" (it's on the Net) certainly would be very helpful. |
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