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From 12 O'clock High!:
Andreas Brekken Bf 109G, WNr. 200 xxx to 202 xxx. What subtype?? Tue Jan 2 12:02:37 2025 Hi, guys. As a followup to the request of Brown Ryle earlier, I would like to know if my WNr overview from Prien/Rodeike is plain wrong with regards to these ones. I have 200 000 - 200 800, 201 000 - 201 900, and 202 000 to 202 200 all as G-8 manufactured at WNF. Are my references wrong? Or was this production batch a G-8/G-6 mix? Or where they G-8's reverted to fighter standard.... cameras removed... Regards, Andreas |
From TOH!:
Charles Bavaroise Subtypes Tue Jan 2 15:50:11 2025 Hi Andreas, Jochen Priens Werknummern-blocks seems to be o.k., but within this blocks were many gaps and not every Werknummer was allocated to an a/c. Looking at Luftwaffe loss-reports, blocks perhaps may run from 200.018 to 200.158 200.222 to 200.318 200.410 to 200.412 200.435 to 200.486 200.588 to 200.702 200.954 to 201.150 201.389 to 201.399 201.432 to 201.471 201.492 to 201.553 201.752 to 201.833 202.027 to 202.120 Remember, this is only guess-work, based on the first and last Werknummer of a block known to me. Actual blocks may have been larger and perhaps there are also some minor gaps within this blocks. Werknummern-Blöcke 200.xxx to 202.xxx were allocated to Bf 109 G-8 recce of WNF manufacture. Most, if not all were of R5 subtype and some had MW-50 or GM-1 fitted. Reports show only a few G6 and G6/R2 subtypes and some of these may be errors. What I could find on G-6s is this: G6 202596 2 NAG 14 07. Feb. 45 G6 202563 IV JG 5 08. Mai. 45 G6 202596 1 NAG 3 20. Mrz. 45 G6 202537 IV JG 5 08. Mai. 45 G6/R2 202552 2 NAG 13 14. Jan. 45 G6 202557 2 NAG 8 11. Feb. 45 G6 202585 IV JG 5 08. Mai. 45 G6 202590 2 NAG 14 12. Feb. 45 G6 202595 2 NAG 14 18. Jan. 45 G6 202599 2 NAG 2 05. Feb. 45 G6 202502 2 NAG 12 28. Jan. 45 G6 202527 2 NAG 14 18. Jan. 45 G6/R2 202542 1 NAG 15 17. Apr. 45 G6 202549 IV JG 5 08. Mai. 45 G6 202554 St NAG 14 20. Feb. 45 G6 202582 2 NAG 13 02. Feb. 45 G6/R2 202590 2 NAG 13 13. Dez. 44 G6 202505 1 NAG 2 19. Jan. 45 G6 202559 2 NAG 1 16. Feb. 45 G6 202554 JG 5 22. Aug. 44 Werknummern-Block 230.xxx, also from WNF, was a "true" G-6 Block mostly G-6/R2 manufactured after November 1944. Due to the overwelming superiority of allied aircraft recce-missions regularily were flown in pairs: one "camera-plane" and one "gun-plane" to cover his fellow. "Gun-planes" had no cameras fitted. This perhaps is the reason why some G-8s were stripped off any special recce-equipment at unit level and looked very much like a G-6 fighter. [This message has been edited by Richard T Eger (edited 22 January 2025).] |
From 12 O'Clock High!:
David Prewett 109G-6 Werk Nr 28077 Sun Jan 28 08:51:16 2025 I recently located the above nr stamped on my G6 (recovered from Lake Swiblo)after finding this nr I have found the nr 77 on both left and right wing to fuselage cover panels. I an now convinced this is the missing Werk Nr. Any details on this nr would be greatly appreciated. |
From TOCH!:
John Beaman WNr 28077 Sun Jan 28 18:13:05 2025 According to Jochen Prien and the loss data I have, there were no Bf 109s in the 28000 range. The records show nothing beyond 27185. What makes you think this is a Werke Nummer and not a part number? |
From 12 O'Clock High!:
David Prewett Werk Nr 28077 Sun Jan 28 21:20:01 2025 Mark Shepard is going to contact Jochen Prien for his comments, the 77 stamped on the cover panels ( to identify which aircraft they came off ? ) indicates to me it is probably the werk nr. It does not appear to be a part no. |
From TOCH!:
Charles Bavaroise WNr. 28.077 = 410.077 Mon Jan 29 07:08:13 2025 Erla-Werke at Leipzig, one of the main manufacturers of Bf 109s, had a special way to allocate Werknummern: First three digits for the "Kostenstelle" (don't ask me what this is in English), followed by two digits for the "Los-Nummer" (production block) and three digits for the aircraft itself. So 311 26 001 was the first a/c of Los-Nummer 26. As the "Kostenstelle" at Erla allways was the same, the first three digits never were applied to the airframe and this a/c always was called "Werknummer 26.001". When RLM ordered the future usage of six-digit-Werknummern, Erla did not change this practice up to the end of the war (there is a famous series of semi-finished Bf 109s - even in color- at Erla with Werknummern in the 32.xxx range published). This Erla-Werknummer was punched into many parts of the airframe and also was painted on the fuselage during assembly. But Erla had to follow the orders of the RLM and so the "Erla-Werknummern" were changed to "RLM-Werknummern" prior to delivery to the Luftwaffe. In a document dated 23. August 1943 Erla explained, in what way "Erla-Werknummern" were connected to "RLM-Werknummern" and issued a "Schlüsselverzeichnis". According to the Schlüsselverzeichnis RLM-Werknummern 410.001 to 410.100 were allocated to airframes with Erla-Werknummern 28.001 to 28.100 from production-block 28. So your Bf 109 G-6 with Werknummer 28.077 is RLM-Werknummer 410.077. |
From TOCH!:
Norbert Neuser Meaning of Kostenstelle Mon Jan 29 11:22:55 2025 Hello Charles Just a short translation as a remark: Kostenstelle is translated in English as "Cost Center". Kind regards Norbert |
From TOCH!:
Andreas Brekken Kostenstelle could be "Account number" Mon Jan 29 14:23:56 2025 Hi, all. With regards to Charles Bavaroise' very interesting information regarding the Erla way, I would translate the "Kostenstelle" word into "account number". As the Erla Werke got a new contract, they would probably open up a new account(not literally in a bank, but to control costs etc in their own system), where the cost of materials and man hours used on this "project" or "order" would be accounted for. Just my opinion. Regards, Andreas Brekken |
From TOCH!:
Mark Sheppard factory numbers/serials Thu Feb 1 17:27:56 2025 This is no different from Hawkers during WWII. All of their Hurricanes were constructed with a 41H/xxxxx. 41H/ was the Hurricane and the five digit number the Hawker construction number which was only for Hawkers own use. The aircraft were then issued with the serial by the MOD/RAF etc. I believe the practice still continues today with British Aerospace (BAe) with the Hawk etc. Seem common sense Mark |
From 12 O'Clock High!:
Andreas Brekken For mr. C. Bavaroise: Schlüsselverzeichnis Erla-Werke Mon Jan 29 14:13:19 2025 Dear mr. Bavaroise, I wondered if You would be so kind as to post a reference for this/these Schlüsselverzeichnis(se), if they for example are located at the BA-MA. If not, it would be nice to be informed of where it is possible to aquire them. Regards, Andreas Brekken |
From 12 O'Clock High!:
Andreas Brekken Erla Werke Schlüsselverzeichnis Wed Jan 31 15:12:42 2025 Dear mr. Bavaroise. As You give no e-mail address, it is not possible to directly contact You from this board, and You will not be notified when messages are answered. But I would ask You if You would please answer my message from January 29. for You especially, concerning the Erla Werke Schlüsselverzeichnis, and where these documents might be obtained. As You have access to them it seems better to ask You directly than to start sending messages to Bundesarchiv etc. If the source is not a public one, could You please let me know this, as my search would then be terminated. Regards, Andreas Brekken |
From TOCH!:
Charles Bavaroise Schlüsselverzeichnis Wed Jan 31 16:06:51 2025 Dear Mr. Brekken, I beg your pardon, but I simply have not noticed your message from 29. January. My information on Erla is not from a public source but from an individual who lived near Leipzig and who was able to collect fragmentary information from Erla's account bureau (? - in German: Abrechnungsstelle). I guess, this documents were (and are) in private hands, as to my knowledge there are no files on Erla in Bundesarchiv. The information is mostly on handwritten tables and the few xerox-copies do not have any stamps or copyright-marks from a public archive. For whatever reason this guy wants to be anonymous and he only gave me permission to use the information for my own database and to help in individual cases. I think, you also met such persons during your research many times. So, to be honest to my source, I can't give you access to the whole files, but I am ever willing to help you in individual cases. Please feel free to contact me whenever you want. Carl |
From TOCH!:
Andreas Brekken Sources... Thu Feb 1 08:03:18 2025 Hi, Charles. Yes I have encountered this situation numerous times. Thanks for the kind reply and offer to assist in given cases. I do believe that one of my own sources must have had some kind of access to information from Erla also, as I have seen from his notes Werkenummer which makes no sense when compared to the listings in Prien/Rodeike converted into apparently RLM Werkenummern in the series which You have described. I will keep in touch. Regards, Andreas |
From 12 O'Clock High!:
Nick Beale Bf 109G-14 Werk Nummern Sat Feb 24 09:54:42 2025 Luftwaffe loss records say that 461118 of III./NJG 11 crashed at Bonn-Hangelar on 24 February 1945 The Allied Technical Intelligence report on the base lists the wreck of 463118 I'm guessing these are probably the same aircraft but don't know which Werk Nummer is the typo and which is correct. Does anyone have any more information on either of these Nummern? |
From TOCH!:
David E. Brown 2 steps forward, 1 step back . . . Sat Feb 24 13:58:43 2025 Good morning Nick, As it turns out, you have an interesting question. Regarding the two Werknummern you mention, 461118 and 463118, Prien and Rodeike indicate that G-14s were produced in both the 461000 - 462000 and 463000 - 463300 blocks. As such, both Werknummern are plausible for the subject aircraft. So far, so good. Mermet (based on a summary at the end of his book) notes that G-6s and G-14s were produced interspersed within the 462000 - 464000 block. On the other hand, the list infers that there were no Bf 109s produced in the 461000 - 462000 production block. Yet within the text he notes that the G-10/U4s were indeed within the 610000 - 613000 Werknummer series. An error of omission? However, Prien and Rodeike indicate that no G-10s were produced in this series, just G-14s. Mermet has to be in error here as various lost listings reveal G-14 aircraft from the 461000-series. Therefore, the two Wrerknummern proposed for this aircraft are valid. Perhaps someone with access to lost listings might be able to see if one of these was lost prior to the discovery of the Bonn aircraft (are you out there Sheflin, Beaman et al?). Alternatively, a photo would certainly help. Another lead to follow would be if it could be determined (via photo or document) that the aircraft had characteristics of mounting the DB 606 AS engine, it would confirm it as being WNr.461118. (Prien and Rodeike note that the AS was sprinkled trough the 461000 - 462000 block but not 463000 - 463300). Thus, not having this motor would place it in the 463000 - 463300 block and hence it would be WNr.463118. Sorry I can't help you move forward, but at least you know where you stand. Gotta coin?! Cheers, David |
From TOCH!:
R.M. Speaking of JC Mermet Sat Feb 24 17:57:29 2025 I know this was brought up weeks ago, but has anyone heard from Jean Claude recently ? The English translation of his book was supposed to have been available in January. Not a problem to wait. Just wondered in anyone might be able to update us on the status of the project and when the book might actually arrive. Thanks |
From TOCH!:
John Beaman mysterious number Sat Feb 24 16:39:23 2025 Hi Nick: As you say, Luftwaffe records list 461118 as an 85% loss on Feb 24, 1945. As such, I wonder how much was left for A.T.I. to discover? What does the report say? I do not have a listing for 463118, but many all around that number, all G-14 a/c, not G-14/AS. |
From TOCH!:
Charles Bavaroise WNr. 461.118 or 463.118 Sun Feb 25 19:53:17 2025 Bf 109s in the 460.xxx to 465.xxx range were G-14s built at Erla-Leipzig. None of this a/c was of a G-6 or G-10 subtype. Most were delivered as "normal" G-14s with DB 605 AM engines, only 148 a/c were G-14 AS with DB 605 AS engines (but some of the G-14s were shiped to Antwerpen after delivery and refited with AS-engines). In the 461.xxx range Werknummern were only allocated to 461.160 - 461.200 (G-14AS), 461.318 to 461.378 (G-14AS) and 461.379 - 461.514 (G-14). For 463.xxx the blocks are 463.000 - 463.006 and 463.110 - 463.248 (all G-14s). So, the Werknummer for the aircraft found at Wunstorf most probably is 463.118. BTW, there is a foto with wrecks at Wunstorf in Monogram Close Up # 7, page 4, with a Bf 109 "white 2" which probably is WNr. 463.118 and "yellow 8" which might be a G-10 of III/NJG 11, Werknummer 150.840. |
From 12 O'Clock High!:
Wim Govaerts Erlawerke Bf 109 E crash in Belgium Sat Mar 3 17:09:35 2025 On the 24th March 1943, a BF 109E (Werkn 1987) of the Frontreparatur Werk 7 Erla stationed at Deurne crashed at Boechout/Belgium. The pilot was Ofw Reinhardt Jochmann who was able to bale out, but he reached the ground wounded.This aircraft was shot down at 1215 hours by Ofw Detlev Lüth of JG 1. Any info sought on both the pilots and their aircraft. |
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