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Old 08-09-2000, 12:22 PM
Alan Scheckenbach Alan Scheckenbach is offline
Join Date: Jul 2024
Location: Canberra, Australia
Posts: 21


I thought I'd post a new topic on this one.

After Richard pointed out to me that this data existed, I went into the AWM research centre for a look at these documents.

These lists are simply tables. There is a table for each day of the time period. Across the top of the table are a number of columns
with different loss categories. Down the rows in the far left hand column is a listing of the different aircraft types, like Me109, Ju52, Me210 etc. Then going across the columns you come to a mark and that represents which cause the aircraft was lost to. There is no information as to the pilot, serial number, radio sign, where it was lost or any other information.

This data is a higher level aggregation of the loss lists that contains the minutae that you are all after.

The tables are on paper orginals and seem to have been printed. They were done in the early 1950s (from memory) and were translated from the German by some part of the RAF. Sorry, I am relying on my memory here.

They charge about 50 cents per page and I estimate that it would cost around $A100 to copy them all. They're on odd sized sheets as well. Certainly not A4 and some are around A3 size.

Ben Evans MIGHT be able to get a set done for nothing but otherwise we'll have to take up a collection and then see if we collectively know anyone that can scan them into PDF files and have them sitting on the web for all to use.

THere are a number of captured and translated German documents in the archive. I have not had a chance to look at them all. In the folios that contained te loss lists there were things like a translation of the detailed operation of the Sicily ferry evacutation and all the Flak units in Sicily. I can see myself sifting through that series for a while yet.



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