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Old 08-03-2000, 12:14 AM
Richard T Eger Richard T Eger is offline
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From 12 O'clock High!:

Marcus Wendel
Museums & Memorials
Sat Jul 15 15:36:15 2025

I'm working on a listing of all museums with German WW2 equipment.
The info I have so far is published here:

Any additional info on related museums and/or memorials would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

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Old 08-04-2000, 06:12 PM
Richard T Eger Richard T Eger is offline
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Complementing Marcus Wendel's Museums & Memorials page on his Third Reich Factbook website is Mikael Olrog's Preserved Axis Aircraft Throughout the World website.

Where the museums and memorials page looks at these facilities country by country, noting the aircraft in each museum or memorial, Mikael's website organizes by type of aircraft, engine, or missile, noting at which museums or other facility these are located at.

The address for Mikael's website is:


[This message has been edited by Richard T Eger (edited 05 July 2025).]
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Old 08-06-2000, 07:20 PM
Richard T Eger Richard T Eger is offline
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Peter Evans' Luftwaffe Experten Mailing List website has a Worldwide Captive Luftwaffe webpage listing, by aircraft type, Luftwaffe aircraft in museums or other facilities around the world. In this regard, the listing is very similar to that provided in Mikael Olrog's Preserved Axis Aircraft Throughout the World website. The URL for the Worldwide Captive Luftwaffe webpage is:


[This message has been edited by Richard T Eger (edited 27 November 2025).]
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Old 08-07-2000, 12:41 PM
Richard T Eger Richard T Eger is offline
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The Hugo Junkers Homepage by Horst Zoeller presents information and photos of Remaining Junkers Aircraft Worldwide, including engines. There are numerous photos of Junkers aircraft and engines both in museums and at crash sites, some of them under water. The website URL is:

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Old 10-09-2000, 11:36 PM
Richard T Eger Richard T Eger is offline
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The website A Detailed Look At The Messerschmitt Bf109, by Matt C. Bole, presents exhaustive coverage of the Bf 109. The URL is:

Of particular interest to the preserved aircraft aficionado is an extensive listing of surviving Bf 109's, HA-1112's, and CS-199's.

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Old 04-03-2001, 02:29 PM
Richard T Eger Richard T Eger is offline
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Jon Gant claims for his Messerschmitt Bf 109 website that it is the most authoritative site on the Bf 109. Having now reviewed it, I believe he certainly is in competition for that title. His site address is:

The sections of the site are as follows:

Site Articles

Messerschmitt Bf 109: The Beginning - Very short article with 2 color drawings and a b&w side view drawing.

Bf 109 Armament, by Tony Williams - Discusses the various armaments used by the Bf 109. A link labelled "armament" at the bottom of the article leads to significantly more information.

Hans Dittes 'Black 2' - Includes 3 color photos.

Preservation of Leather Artifacts: US Air Force Museum

Bf 109 Replica Project - Jon's ambition to build a replica. A link to an article on the Dakota Bf 109 replica tells the story of this interesting project, along with several color photos.

Meeting Franz Stigler, by Markus and Ryan Muntener - Short interview with 1 color and 2 b&w photos.

Bf109 Variant Evolution Information - Production numbers and list of variants with short description of what was unique about each one. Includes photos and drawings of some of the variants.

Messerschmitt Bf 109 Foreign Variations - Useage by Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechoslovakia, and Spain. Some tabular data.

Performance Statistics of the Bf 109 - Technical and performance information for the Bf 109V1, V3, B-2, E-4, F-3, G-6, and K-4. Five b&w photos.

Engine Construction Information - Technical information on the DB 600, DB 601, and DB 605. One b&w drawing, 1 color photo. Link to article on DB 601 and DB 605 with technical information, b&w drawing, and cutaway line drawing.

Armament Information - Table and description of armament used, color photo of amunition, table by variant indicating armament used along with history of useage, and two phantom drawings of amunition.

Pilots Manuals - Acrobat downloadable manuals for the Bf 109E, G-2, and K-4, along with English translations of the G-2 and K-4 manuals.

Flying the Messerschmitt Bf 109

RAE evaluation

Mark Hanna's commentary

Comments by 3 Luftwaffe pilots

Includes 3 color photos.

Photo Gallery

<U>Favourite Images</U>

MBB Bf 109G - 1 color photo
Bf 109G-2 'Black 6', WN 10639 - 2 color photos
Aerial shot, possibly of Black 2 - 1 color photo
Head-on cockpit - 2 b&w shots
Bf 109G-6 (D-FMBB) - 2 color photos

<U>Assorted 109 Images</U> - 3 color, 4 b&w photos

<U>Duxford Museum Visit (Nov' 2025)</U> - 5 color photos

<U>Deutsches Museum Visit</U>

BF 109E-3, WN 790 - 4 color photos
Ju 52 - 1 color photo
Me 163 - 1 color photo
Me 262 - 2 color photos
DB engine - 1 color photo

<U>The Art of Frank "Gray Eagle" Williamson</U> - 3 color in-flight images

Video Footage

A small video that Matt created for the site, but was not used because of bandwidth issues.

A larger movie showing archive footage of 109's taking off and in flight (with sound). Submitted by Sebastian Schweizer.


A nice example of a 109 flypast, gives a great sense of the Daimler Benz's immense power.

Survivors News - News on Bf 109 airframes around the world. One fascinating color photo of 3 Me 262 fuselages.

Airworthy Messerschmit Bf 109 Survivors - Table listing 8 aircraft.

Static/Under Restoration Bf 109 Survivors - Large listing of survivors.

Message Board - Forum requiring membership.

Links - Five listed.

Bibliography - Ten references listed.


[This message has been edited by Richard T Eger (edited 08 April 2025).]
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Old 04-13-2001, 01:55 AM
Richard T Eger Richard T Eger is offline
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Much of James Yeowell's Horrido! - The Luftwaffe Research Website either never existed or has been drastically curtailed. What remains essentially are tables of Bf 109 Stammkennzeichen and a listing of Bf 109 survivors & replicas. The website address is:

The sections of interest on this site are:

What's New - The usual site updates. Unfortunately, the site has not been updated since Dec. 1999.

The Messerschmitt Bf 109 Research page

<U>Bf 109 Stammkennzeichen</U> - Tables of Stammkennzeichen for the following ranges:

Stammkennzeichen ??+AA - FL+??

Stammkennzeichen GA+GH - NW+KU

Stammkennzeichen PB+?? - WU+PF

<U>Bf 109 Survivors & Replicas</U> - Information covering aircraft in:

South Africa

Links - Fairly short and a bit out of date.

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Old 11-05-2001, 02:23 PM
Richard T Eger Richard T Eger is offline
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The website <U>On Camouflaged Wings</U>, by Paul F. Straney, covers Luftwaffe aircraft and camouflage, with sections on the captured Luftwaffe aircraft brought to the U.S. and surviving aircraft at the NASM and the South African National Museum. The site address is:

Sections of interest are:

Aviation Photo Gallery

Photos include:

Me 109's along with a Junkers 290
Me 109 abandoned at a factory (color)
Me 109 nose-down 4 (color)
Me 262 abandoned by a roadway (color)
"Baka" bomb at NASM Garber Facility (color)
Ar 234 at NASM (color)
He 162 at NASM Garber Facility (color)

South Africa's Warbirds: A Visit to the South African National Museum of Military History

<U>A visit to the South African National Museum of Military History</U>

This is a nice review, including photos, of the SA Museum collection, including mention of how the collection got its Luftwaffe aircraft. Luftwaffe aircraft covered include:

Fw 190A-6, WN 550214
Me 262B-1a/U1, WN 110305
Fi 156 Storch
BF 109E-3, WN 1289
Bf 109F-2/TROP, WN 31010

<U>Fw-190 Restoration: a report from Anthony Speir</U>

Interesting article about the difficulties in trying to identify the museum aircraft's history. A single historical photo is shown.

<U>Source Documents: SANMMH museum inventory cards.</U>

.jpg images of cards for:

Fi 156 Storch
Fw 190A-6/R6
Fw 190D
Ju 88A
Ju 52
Bf 109E-3
Bf 109F-2/trop
Me 262A
Me 262B-1a/U1

Luftwaffe Over Ohio!

This is an extensive article, with photos - some in color, on the captured Luftwaffe aircraft back to the U.S. It includes a nice bibliography. The article first appeared in <U>Air Classics</U>, v. 27, n. 7 (July 1991) and was later reprinted in <U>Warbirds International</U>, v. 12, n. 2 (March/April 1993). New pictures which did not appear in the articles are included here.

A link is also provided which brings the reader to a 2-part article on "Freeman Field Dig", by Dick Phillips, which appeared in the <U>Twin City Aero Historians Newsletter</U> . The article pertains to the search for buried Luftwaffe aircraft remains at Freeman Field.

Interpreting Military Aircraft Camouflage from Historical Records

Utilizing Luftwaffe colors of the late war 1944-1945 period, Paul F. Straney and Robert Sacchi point out the difficulties in properly identifying correct camouflage colors. Heavy emphasis is given to those on the Luftwaffe jets.

Pictures From the 1998 Paul E. Garber Restoration Facility Open House

Color photos of the following aircraft are shown:

Ar 196, WN 623183
Ar 234, WN 140312, FE-1010
Ba 349B, FE-1011
BV 155B V3, FE-505
Do 335A-0, WN 240102, FE-1012
Fi 156
Fw 190F-8/R1,WN 931884, FE-117
Go 229 V3, FE-490
He 162A-2, WN 120230, FE-504
He 219, WN 290202, FE-614
Ju 388L-1, WN 560049, FE-4010
Me 410A-3, WN 018, EB-103, FE-499
MXY7 Ohka (BAKA)

Military Aviation History Links on the Web

Lengthy list of links.

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Old 06-13-2003, 02:04 PM
Richard T Eger Richard T Eger is offline
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The Messerschmitt Bf 109 website by Andreas Goldmann covers the history of Prof. Messerschmitt; the Me 109 history, variants, armament, engines, and aces who flew the Me 109; and Spanish volunteers. There is a nice photo gallery, including photos of preserved aircraft. A listing of existing Bf 109 with short histories is provided along with some photos. The site address is:

Sections of interest are:

The Constructor: Professor Willi Messerschmitt - Short history of Messerschmitt and his company through WW II and beyond.

The Development of the Me 109 - Short history.

The "Me 109" Versions - Brief technical data and photos of:

Bf 109 A
Bf 109 B "Berta"
Bf 109 C "Cäsar"
Bf 109 D "Dora"
Bf 109 E "Emil"
BF 109 F "Friedrich"
Bf 109 G "Gustav"
Bf 109 H
Bf 109 K
Bf 109 T

The Engines of the "Me 109" - Brief descriptions of the engines and the variants they were used in:

Junkers Jumo 210
Daimler-Benz DB 600
Daimler-Benz DB 601
Daimler-Benz DB 605

The Armament of the Me 109 - Descriptions and photos of:

Guns and Cannons

"Me 109" Projects - Descriptions and histories. One plan of Me 309.

Bf 109 V-21
Bf 109 X
Me 209
Me 309
Bf 109 Z
Bf 109 TL
Me P. 1091

Assembly Sets for the Me 109 G and K - Description.

RI through RVIII
Adaption Set AS
Assembly Set "trop"

Gallery - Photos of different variants.

Bf 109B - 1 b&w
Bf 109C - 1 b&w
Bf 109C-1 - 1 b&w
Bf 109D-1 - 1 b&w
Bf 109E - 5 b&w, 1 color
Bf 109E-1 - 1 b&w
Bf 109E-3 - 12 color (Deutsches Museum, Munich)
Bf 109E-3/B - 1 b&w
Bf 109E-4 - 2 b&w
Bf 109E-7 - 2 b&w
Bf 109E-7 - 6 color (restoration at the Fighter Factory, Suffolk, Virginia)
Bf 109F - 1 b&w
Bf 109F-2 Galland replica - 1 color (Australia)
Bf 109F-4 - 2 b&w
Bf 109F-4/trop - 18 color (Canada Aviation Museum)
Bf 109F-6 - 1 b&w
Bf 109G - 2 b&w
Bf 109G-2 - 7 color (Luftwaffenmuseum Berlin-Gatow) (with brief history)
Bf 109G-2 - 4 color (Luftwaffenmuseum Hannover-Laatzen)
Bf 109G-2 - 14 color (Messerschmitt-Foundation, pictured at Oberschleißheim)
Bf 109G-4 - 8 color (Technikmuseum Speyer)
Bf 109G-6 - 4 b&w
Bf 109G-6 (FM+BB) - 18 color (Messerschmitt-Foundation, Messerschmitt Stiftung)
Bf 109G-6 - 2 color (Auto Technik Museums Sinsheim)
Bf 109G-6/R-6 - 1 b&w
Bf 109G-6/Y (MT-507) - 1 color (Central Finland Aviation Museum)
Bf 109G-10 - 2 b&w
Bf 109G-10 (black 2) - 17 color
Bf 109G-10 - 1 color (Evergreen Aviation Museum, Oregon)
Bf 109G10/R2 - 1 color
Bf 109G-12 - 1 b&w
Bf 109G-14 - 1 b&w
Bf 109K-4

Unit Organisation of the Luftwaffe - Descriptions and aircraft markings.


Asse auf der Me 109 - In German, biographies with photos of the following aces:

Wilhelm Balthasar
Heinz Bär
Gerhard Barkhorn
Wilhelm Batz
Gyorgy Debrody
Georg-Peter Eder
Adolf Galland
Gordon M. Gollob
Hermann Graf
Alfred Grislawski
Anton Hafner
Erich Hartmann
Dietrich Hrabak
Otto Kittel
Günther Lützow
Hans-Joachim Marseille
Werner Mölders
Joachim Müncheberg
Walter Nowotny
Günther Rall
Erich Rudorffer
Hans-Arnold Stahlschmidt
Johannes Steinhoff
Hannes Trautloft
Franz vom Werra
Helmut Wick
Johannes Wiese
Wolf-Dietrich Wilcke

Surviving Bf 109 - Brief histories, some with photos or links thereto.

Flying Bf 109

Bf 109 E-7 (Santa Monica, California/USA)
Bf 109 G-6 "FM + BB" (Messerschmitt-Stiftung/Germany)
Bf 109 G-10 "black 2"(Messerschmitt-Stiftung/Germany)

Static Display

Bf 109 E-3 (Munich/Germany)
Bf 109 E-3 (Duxford/England)
Bf 109 E-3 (Dübendorf/Switzerland)
Bf 109 E-3b (Hendon/England)
Bf 109 E-3 (Johannesburg/Southafrica)
Bf 109 E-4 (Mesa, Arizona/USA)
Bf 109 F-2/trop (Johannesburg/Southafrika)
Bf 109 F-4/trop. (Canada Aviation Museum, Ottawa/Canada)
Bf 109 G-2 (Messerschmitt-Foundation, Manching/Germany)
Bf 109 G-2 (Berlin-Gatow/Germany)
Bf 109 G-2 (Belgrade/Yugoslavia)
Bf 109 G-2 (Hannover-Laatzen/Germany)
Bf 109 G-2/trop. (Hendon/England)
Bf 109 G-4 (actually (2003) at Technik Museum Speyer)
Bf 109 G-5 (Dayton, Ohio/USA)
Bf 109 G-6 (Sinsheim/Germany)
Bf 109 G-6 (Utti/Finland)
Bf 109 G-6/Y (Tikkakoski/Finland)
Bf 109 G-6/R3 (Washington D.C./USA)
Bf 109 G-10 (McMinnville, Oregon/USA)

Restoration Projects

Bf 109 B/V-10a (Oberschleißheim/Munich)
Bf 109 E-1
Bf 109 E-1
Bf 109 E-3 (Berlin/Germany)
Bf 109 E-7
Bf 109 G-1/R2
Bf 109 G-6 (Australia)
Bf 109 G-6 (Australia)
Bf 109 G-6 (Cracow/Poland)


Bf 109 V-7
Bf 109 F-2
Bf 109 G-14/AS (Leipzig/Germany)

Specials - Special articles.

Bf 109 at the IV. International flight meeting at Zurich 1937 - Summary with tables and photos of this air meet a Dübendorf Airbase near Zurich in July 1937 in which 5 Bf 109's participated.

The Bf 109 V-13 breakes the F.A.I. world speed record - Article with photos of the Bf 109V-13 breaking the world speed record on Nov. 11, 1937.

The Blue Squadrons: Spanish volunteers in the Luftwaffe - History and photos for the 5 squadrons, their emblems, their uniforms, and pilots killed or missing in action.

The Ranks of Luftwaffe, RAF and US Airforce - Table of comparable ranks.

Links - 23 links to sites covering aircraft, pilots, units, and general WW II.

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Old 05-17-2004, 04:59 PM
Richard T Eger Richard T Eger is offline
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The AXLs Plane Gallery website, by Alex Postma, contains a very large collection of Axis aircraft photos, some vintage and some of preserved aircraft. The site address is:

The section of interest is:

WWII Axis - photos

Bf 108 - 12 color, 4 b&w

- Includes A/C at Kalamazoo Air Zoo, Kalamazoo, MI, U.S.A.; Musee Royal de l'Armee, Brussels, Belgium; Ex N108H, OO-NET, New Zealand; Germany; Deutsche Lufthansa Berlin Stiftung, Germany; Imperial War Museum, London, England

Bf 109 - 26 color, 8 b&w

- Includes A/C at RAFM Hendon, England; German Air Force Museum, Germany; Finnish AF Museum, Tikkakoski, Finland; USAFM, Dayton, OH, U.S.A.; IWM, Duxford, England; NASM, Washington D.C., U.S.A.; Planes of Fame, California, U.S.A.; Fundacja Polskie Orly, wnr 163306, Poland; Bf 109G-10 W.Nr. 151591, EADS, Messerschmitt Foundation, Germany

Bf 110 - 8 color, 11 b&w

Me 163 - 10 color, 15 b&w

- Includes A/C at RAFM Cosford, England; Luftwaffe Museum, Gatow, Germany; IWM, Duxford, England.

Me 262 - 12 color, 22 b&w

- Includes A/C at Deutches Museum, Munich, Germany; NASM, Washington D.C.; U.S.A.; Vojenske Muzeum, Kbely AB, Czech Republic; South African National Museum of Military History; South Africa.

Me 323 - 6 color, 14 b&w

Me 410 - 7 color, 6 b&w

- Includes A/C at RAFM Cosford, England

Messerschmitt P.1101 - 7 b&w

Ta 152 - 8 b&w

Ta 154 - 6 b&w

Fw 187 - 1 color, 8 b&w

Fw 189 - 3 color, 27 b&w

Fw 190 - 12 color, 29 b&w

- Includes A/C at USAFM, Dayton, OH, U.S.A.; RAFM Hendon, England

Fw 200 - 3 color, 19 b&w

Ju 52 - 2 color, 8 b&w

Ju 87 - 8 color, 29 b&w

- Includes A/C at RAFM Hendon, England

Ju 88 - 4 color, 8 b&w

-Includes A/C at RAFM Hendon, England

Ju 287 - 9 b&w

Ju 290 - 9 b&w

Ju 388 - 2 color, 11 b&w

Ju 390 - 4 b&w

Do 17 - 2 color, 11 b&w

Do 18 - 1 color, 8 b&w

Do 24 - 2 color, 11 b&w

- Includes A/C at Militaire Luchvaart Museum, Kamp Van Zeist, Netherlands

Do 26 - 2 color, 7 b&w

Do 215 - 7 b&w

Do 217 - 1 color, 17 b&w

Do 335 - 3 color, 13 b&w

- Includes A/C at NASM Garber, Silver Hill, MD, U.S.A.

Do J Wal - 1 color, 8 b&w

- Includes A/C at Technical Museum, Lujan, Argentina

He 59 - 1 color, 11 b&w

He 100 - 1 color, 4 b&w

He 111 - 8 color, 30 b&w

- Includes A/C at RAFM Hendon, England; Confederate Air Force, Midland TX, U.S.A. (crashed and destroyedon 10 July 2025); Norwegian Aviation Museum, Norway

He 111Z - 9 b&w

He 112 - 1 color, 11 b&w

He 114 - 6 b&w

He 115 - 4 color, 9 b&w

He 177 - 2 color, 11 b&w (possibly 1 of these is in color)

He 162 - 4 color, 11 b&w

- Includes A/C at Planes of Fame California, U.S.A.; IWM, London, England; Le Bourget Paris, France; RAFM Hendon, England

He 219 - 2 color, 6 b&w

He 280 - 8 b&w

Hs 123 - 1 color, 10 b&w

Hs 129 - 1 color, 8 b&w

Bv 138 - 2 color, 16 b&w

Bv 141 - 11 b&w

Bv 222 - 17 b&w

Bv 238 - 6 b&w

Fi 103 - 1 color

- Missile at Historisch-Technisches Informationszentrum, Peenemünde, Germany (replica containing original parts)

Fi 104R - 6 b&w

Fi 156 - 27 color, 11 b&w

- Includes A/C at CAF Texas, U.S.A.; USAFM, Dayton, OH, U.S.A.; Swiss Air Force Museum, Switzerland; Luftwaffe Museum, Gatow, Berlin, Germany; Fi 156 W.Nr. 475309, Kermit Weeks, Florida, U.S.A.; Flygvapenmuseum, Linköping, Sweden.

Ar 196 - 5 color, 11 b&w

- Includes A/C at NASM Garber, Silver Hill, MD, U.S.A.

Ar 232 - 9 b&w

Ar 234 - 4 color, 11 b&w

- Includes one A/C variously at NASM, Garber, Silver Hill, MD, U.S.A.; NASM, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.; NASM, Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center, Washington Dulles International Airport, Chantilly, VA, U.S.A. (current A/C location).

Ar 240 - 8 b&w

Ba 349 - 5 color, 12 b&w

- Includes A/C at NASM, Garber, Silver Hill, MD, U.S.A.

Caproni Campini CC.1 - 7 color, 4 b&w

- Includes A/C at the Italian Air Force Museum, Vigna di Valle, Rome, Italy

HA-1112-M1L (Spanish-built Bf 109) - 15 color

- Includes A/C at Planes of Fame, Chino, CA, U.S.A.; Fighter Factory, Suffolk, VA, U.S.A.; National Aviation Air Museum, ONT, Canada, on loan to Western Canada Aviation Museum, Canada; OFMC, Duxford, England, crashed on 25 Sept. 1999 in Spain; Kalamazoo Aviation History Museum, Kalamazoo, MI, U.S.A.

Mitsubishi J8M1 Shusui - 5 color, 4 b&w

- Includes A/C at Planes of Fame, Chino, CA, U.S.A.; Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, Nagoya, Japan

Nakajima Kikka - 9 b&w

Yokosuka MXY-7 Ohka - Baka - 6 color, 12 b&w

- Includes A/C at RAFM Cosford, England

My thanks go to Mikael Olrog who helped with identifying the locations of the preserved Axis aircraft.

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Old 09-06-2004, 12:58 PM
Richard T Eger Richard T Eger is offline
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From 12 O'Clock High!:

Marcus Wendel
Sat Aug 28, 2025 10:40

I'm compiling information on museums with Axis WW2 equipment on my site, the Axis History Factbook at , and I'd appreciate any help with additions (text or photos) or corrections to the material.

The museums section can be found at


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