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Archives in Central Europe Bulgaria, Czech Republic/Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Rumania

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Old 06-13-2003, 02:01 PM
Richard T Eger Richard T Eger is offline
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The Messerschmitt Bf 109 website by Andreas Goldmann covers the history of Prof. Messerschmitt; the Me 109 history, variants, armament, engines, and aces who flew the Me 109; and Spanish volunteers. There is a nice photo gallery, including photos of preserved aircraft. A listing of existing Bf 109 with short histories is provided along with some photos. The site address is:

Sections of interest are:

The Constructor: Professor Willi Messerschmitt - Short history of Messerschmitt and his company through WW II and beyond.

The Development of the Me 109 - Short history.

The "Me 109" Versions - Brief technical data and photos of:

Bf 109 A
Bf 109 B "Berta"
Bf 109 C "Cäsar"
Bf 109 D "Dora"
Bf 109 E "Emil"
BF 109 F "Friedrich"
Bf 109 G "Gustav"
Bf 109 H
Bf 109 K
Bf 109 T

The Engines of the "Me 109" - Brief descriptions of the engines and the variants they were used in:

Junkers Jumo 210
Daimler-Benz DB 600
Daimler-Benz DB 601
Daimler-Benz DB 605

The Armament of the Me 109 - Descriptions and photos of:

Guns and Cannons

"Me 109" Projects - Descriptions and histories. One plan of Me 309.

Bf 109 V-21
Bf 109 X
Me 209
Me 309
Bf 109 Z
Bf 109 TL
Me P. 1091

Assembly Sets for the Me 109 G and K - Description.

RI through RVIII
Adaption Set AS
Assembly Set "trop"

Gallery - Photos of different variants.

Bf 109B - 1 b&w
Bf 109C - 1 b&w
Bf 109C-1 - 1 b&w
Bf 109D-1 - 1 b&w
Bf 109E - 5 b&w, 1 color
Bf 109E-1 - 1 b&w
Bf 109E-3 - 12 color (Deutsches Museum, Munich)
Bf 109E-3/B - 1 b&w
Bf 109E-4 - 2 b&w
Bf 109E-7 - 2 b&w
Bf 109E-7 - 6 color (restoration at the Fighter Factory, Suffolk, Virginia)
Bf 109F - 1 b&w
Bf 109F-2 Galland replica - 1 color (Australia)
Bf 109F-4 - 2 b&w
Bf 109F-4/trop - 18 color (Canada Aviation Museum)
Bf 109F-6 - 1 b&w
Bf 109G - 2 b&w
Bf 109G-2 - 7 color (Luftwaffenmuseum Berlin-Gatow) (with brief history)
Bf 109G-2 - 4 color (Luftwaffenmuseum Hannover-Laatzen)
Bf 109G-2 - 14 color (Messerschmitt-Foundation, pictured at Oberschleißheim)
Bf 109G-4 - 8 color (Technikmuseum Speyer)
Bf 109G-6 - 4 b&w
Bf 109G-6 (FM+BB) - 18 color (Messerschmitt-Foundation, Messerschmitt Stiftung)
Bf 109G-6 - 2 color (Auto Technik Museums Sinsheim)
Bf 109G-6/R-6 - 1 b&w
Bf 109G-6/Y (MT-507) - 1 color (Central Finland Aviation Museum)
Bf 109G-10 - 2 b&w
Bf 109G-10 (black 2) - 17 color
Bf 109G-10 - 1 color (Evergreen Aviation Museum, Oregon)
Bf 109G10/R2 - 1 color
Bf 109G-12 - 1 b&w
Bf 109G-14 - 1 b&w
Bf 109K-4

Unit Organisation of the Luftwaffe - Descriptions and aircraft markings.


Asse auf der Me 109 - In German, biographies with photos of the following aces:

Wilhelm Balthasar
Heinz Bär
Gerhard Barkhorn
Wilhelm Batz
Gyorgy Debrody
Georg-Peter Eder
Adolf Galland
Gordon M. Gollob
Hermann Graf
Alfred Grislawski
Anton Hafner
Erich Hartmann
Dietrich Hrabak
Otto Kittel
Günther Lützow
Hans-Joachim Marseille
Werner Mölders
Joachim Müncheberg
Walter Nowotny
Günther Rall
Erich Rudorffer
Hans-Arnold Stahlschmidt
Johannes Steinhoff
Hannes Trautloft
Franz vom Werra
Helmut Wick
Johannes Wiese
Wolf-Dietrich Wilcke

Surviving Bf 109 - Brief histories, some with photos or links thereto.

Flying Bf 109

Bf 109 E-7 (Santa Monica, California/USA)
Bf 109 G-6 "FM + BB" (Messerschmitt-Stiftung/Germany)
Bf 109 G-10 "black 2"(Messerschmitt-Stiftung/Germany)

Static Display

Bf 109 E-3 (Munich/Germany)
Bf 109 E-3 (Duxford/England)
Bf 109 E-3 (Dübendorf/Switzerland)
Bf 109 E-3b (Hendon/England)
Bf 109 E-3 (Johannesburg/Southafrica)
Bf 109 E-4 (Mesa, Arizona/USA)
Bf 109 F-2/trop (Johannesburg/Southafrika)
Bf 109 F-4/trop. (Canada Aviation Museum, Ottawa/Canada)
Bf 109 G-2 (Messerschmitt-Foundation, Manching/Germany)
Bf 109 G-2 (Berlin-Gatow/Germany)
Bf 109 G-2 (Belgrade/Yugoslavia)
Bf 109 G-2 (Hannover-Laatzen/Germany)
Bf 109 G-2/trop. (Hendon/England)
Bf 109 G-4 (actually (2003) at Technik Museum Speyer)
Bf 109 G-5 (Dayton, Ohio/USA)
Bf 109 G-6 (Sinsheim/Germany)
Bf 109 G-6 (Utti/Finland)
Bf 109 G-6/Y (Tikkakoski/Finland)
Bf 109 G-6/R3 (Washington D.C./USA)
Bf 109 G-10 (McMinnville, Oregon/USA)

Restoration Projects

Bf 109 B/V-10a (Oberschleißheim/Munich)
Bf 109 E-1
Bf 109 E-1
Bf 109 E-3 (Berlin/Germany)
Bf 109 E-7
Bf 109 G-1/R2
Bf 109 G-6 (Australia)
Bf 109 G-6 (Australia)
Bf 109 G-6 (Cracow/Poland)


Bf 109 V-7
Bf 109 F-2
Bf 109 G-14/AS (Leipzig/Germany)

Specials - Special articles.

Bf 109 at the IV. International flight meeting at Zurich 1937 - Summary with tables and photos of this air meet a Dübendorf Airbase near Zurich in July 1937 in which 5 Bf 109's participated.

The Bf 109 V-13 breakes the F.A.I. world speed record - Article with photos of the Bf 109V-13 breaking the world speed record on Nov. 11, 1937.

The Blue Squadrons: Spanish volunteers in the Luftwaffe - History and photos for the 5 squadrons, their emblems, their uniforms, and pilots killed or missing in action.

The Ranks of Luftwaffe, RAF and US Airforce - Table of comparable ranks.

Links - 23 links to sites covering aircraft, pilots, units, and general WW II.

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Old 06-26-2004, 01:13 PM
Peter Mikolajski Peter Mikolajski is offline
Join Date: Oct 2025
Location: Olsztyn, Poland
Posts: 6


Bf 109G-6 (W.Nr. 163306) is currently exhibited in Aviation Museum in Krakow (Cracow), but is still owned by Fundacja Lotnicza "Polskie Orly" (Aviation Foundation "Polish Eagles").
Peter 'Mikolaj' Mikolajski
Captured Planes of the World (under reconstruction)
Modelarstwo Plastikowe
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